Wednesday, October 22, 2008

General outlook

Hey people, I have taken an long break this time to add on, in this wonderful piece of art created by my friend. This time I hope to make few things clear with what are the fields where one can make a mark either with research or other aspects and still having a essence of biotechnology in it.
Starting with, there should be one thing pretty clear that research is never payed up to mark, at least in India, that is long term aspect, other things to consider are that research definitely leads to frustration, needs high end patience and dedication with single minded aim.
On other hand if we consider marketing, there is real time struggle initially, depends on one's skill to walk upstairs or to slide down, but it does pays off really well with experience. It needs one to be acceptable of terms that people can be best when sales are good but worst is never far to look for.
Considering management, off which marketing is a part, best to bet on, requires hackwork during course work but at least ends with something to rely upon, most preferable for job guarantee.
There are options like law, most companies require legal advisers and people with technical background are preferred, it is also safe bet to rely upon, relatively newer but has good prospects.
Rest of them include, quality control stuff, technicians, which are extremely easy to get along but are attached with boredom in longer time periods, some interesting prospects are also existing like dealing with updating of industry through magazines or news papers, pretty good to try hand on or teaching is ever green option, specially for girls, who are genetically better in making understand or putting their point in front of others. There are high end jobs for computer professionals, even for research or for data input, who can put their feet in fields like drug designing, clinical trials, genetic engineering, tracing evolutionary history.
Now, we stand from biotechnology background so definitely it should be our principle for how can we integrate different principles. It is most common ideology among biotechnology students that there has been unneeded hype created that biotechnology has great scope but it never pays off. Well, we should we make it dead clear that if we are standing in middle of sea without water, then we should know how to purify that water and live on it, there always 2 sides to every aspect.
Coming to research, it needs patience, needs capacity to handle frustration, but can we make a fun of it, it is important that we enjoy at the end of day, that is what here we for, so research does not needs us to sit in lab for hours together, or just dealing with books and reference journals, it should be a small part of it, but if we know then inventions which happened in previous times were never due to following particular protocol, there is always nice to make a group and put up rough ideas together, it really works out seriously, can generate new ideas, can make us also stand to think that entrepreneurship is possible, just requires planning, will fail many times, but working in unity always combats such things.
Integrating research with management, research can be done on management issues also, so that is nice for people who are good at research but really need funds to back them up. Same applies to law.
Computer aided technologies are on rise, biotechnology requires high end computing skills, which has opened broad way for computer professionals to contribute, it can be real fun and cheaper as computers are relatively cheaper to deal with when compared with high end biotechnology devices. It can allow best of logical brains to put in their best. Simple eg of integrating both is a real good topic like 'DNA Computing', using DNA to solve computer problems, simple question like how many ways in which brain can think, I suppose no computer can solve, but suppose that message is embedded in DNA itself, if that can be decoded, will open up high end technological prospects.
I have slightly deviated from topic, but today when money is definitely required at every single step, it is important that our interests definitely generate fuel for us to move further. It can be combated in few ways like taking up teaching at non governmental institutes, getting payed nicely, starting with some editorial sections in news papers to put our writing skills to earn a bit, designing simpler projects like strategies to save agricultural wastage, if that can be worked out, definitely would generate great income sources or for treatment of waste at different levels, using simples counselling sessions to keep people healthy by imparting them with idea of ways of maintaining good health, to deal with stress, like combining stress coutering sessions for company professionals, it can surely fill up pockets to keep moving. Arranging for small competitions where people can put newer ideas to work upon, can be used to generate incomes, although at smaller scales. Generating alternatives to loads of notes being photo copied, can not only save money for students but can generate interesting future work options. For creative students, starting tattooing business using basics of biology like safer chemicals, imprinting stuffs like DNA can make us look cool, definitely these ideas can work out among teenage sections
Next time, I wish to include technical aspects of what are real time classifications to work upon, to do research and other similar aspects, so thought to start with general outlook towards different openings.
Never lose hope, there is always new strand of future being made for us, we will make sure that most of us end with a work end DNA, with loads of proteins it will generate for everyone in terms of money.

P.S by Anand: I am not sure what is meant in the lengthy line of generarting alternative income.. Art of Living doesnt pay any of its volunteers for organising a workshop/course.. It is a six sigma, (UN recognised as well for its transparency in accounts) Non-Govt Non-Profit Volunteers Based largest organisation in the world.. AOL only re-imburses amount spend by volunteer for organising a course like sounds halls auditorium .. on return of white transaction receipt. That too has a deadline .. i.e if I am late to submit the amount that I have spent on a course or if i lost the bills for the same purposely or inadvertently.. I lose my money.. I have learnt to preserve my bills hard way.. During last UTSAV my wallet was lost and I had to pay the course fee for those who had applied for the course through me!!!
Anyone who doubts this can volunteer for Art of Living in any part of the world and spend some money from pocket on courses and throw away bills in garbage.. and ask for reimbursement.. GoodLuck ;)
For making money use HEAD .. ART OF LIVING is not about making money it is about HEART.. to empower someone wealthy and asking him to donate a fixed minimum amount for our service projects.. u can find them on
There are people less fortunate than others.. sharing and caring makes love multiple.. :) AOL believes in ancient Indian philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.. Universe is One Family!

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Anonymous said...

Just read your post on our blog.. I am not sure what you meant in the lengthy line of generarting alternative income.. Art of Living doesnt ppay any of its volunteers for organising a workshop/course.. It is a six sigma, (UN recognised as well for its transparency in accounts) Non-Govt Non-Profit Volunteers Based largest organisation in the world.. AOL only re-imburses amount spend by volunteer on returnn of white transaction receipt. That too has a deadline .. i.e if I am late to submit the amount that I have spent on a course or if i lost the bills for the same purposely or inadvertently.. I lose my money.. I have learnt to preserve my bills hard way.. During last UTSAV my wallet was lost and I had to pay the course fee for those who had applied for the course through me!!!
ART OF LIVING is not about making money it is about empowering somebody and asking him to donate a fixed minimum amount for our service projects..
u can find them on

J(Z)ubin on October 23, 2008 at 9:19 PM said...

I have edited my post, thanks for highlighting it, making me correct for my mistake...thanks..

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